Monday, 20 October 2014

Natural Skin tightening masks

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There is not only an age but a number of other factors that can cause saggy skin. Rapid weight loss, health factors and of course with age your skin can look very loose and lose its elasticity. You must take care of it from early age. Obviously, no one would like to have saggy-looking of skin.
Half an hour in a week is not a big deal to get rid of this type of issues. There are many products available in the market that can help to tighten and clear your skin. But I recommend making your own mask with the ingredients available in your kitchen.

Natural Skin tightening masks:

 Egg white mask:

Egg contains protein and is a very effective skin lifting ingredient.
Separate egg white from yolk. Beat egg white well with a teaspoon of honey and apply on your skin. Leave for 15 to 20 minutes and then rinse. You will feel your skin starting to tighten even after you wash off the mask. It will also make your skin to glow.
You can add a tablespoon of lemon juice or grape vinegar to add cleansing effect in your mask.

Cucumber face mask:

Mix 2 tablespoon of cucumber juice with one egg white and few drops of lemon juice.  Apply this cucumber mask on your face and neck.  Leave it for 15 minutes and then wash off the mask with warm water. Cucumber is beneficial for skin tightening as it has photochemical that helps in skin tightening.

Strawberry mask:

Make a paste of ¼ cup of strawberries and add 1 tbsp fresh lemon juice and 3 tablespoons of cornstarch. Mix all the ingredients well to form a thick paste. Apply this mask on your face and leave the mask for 20 minutes. Lemon will help to clean your pores and cornstarch will lift your loose skin.

Egg white and flour mask:

All we need is 1 egg, 1tbsp honey and flour ( for dry skin add 1tsp glycerine too)
Separate egg white and beat it with flour, honey and glycerine and apply on your face. Let it set until it dries and wash your face with slightly warm water.

Cabbage mask:

Make a paste of 2 to 3 leaves of cabbage and mix it with 2 teaspoon rice flour and few drops of olive oil. Apply a layer of this mask on your skin and leave for 15 minutes, then wash off the mask. Cabbage is known to be extremely good against wrinkles.


  1. I love DIY beauty remedies and these all sound great and so easy to make too. I knew that egg whites and cucumber were good for the skin but I never heard the cabbage one before! I must go buy a cabbage and try that mask for myself! Thanks for sharing.

  2. I love face masks, but I've never made one from scratch! This is such a great idea, and I'm excited to try it out! Thank you for sharing!


  3. I too have always loved masks just never really have the time to sit down and smell the roses with the cucumber eye patches lol. This is a great list and i like using produces which are as nature as I can possibly find them.

  4. Out of all the masks mentioned, I think I would use the strawberry one the most. It contains ingredients that I wouldn't mind using on my face. There's just something about putting egg whites on my skin that kind of turns me off.

  5. Hmm. I've never thought of using egg white on my face before! I think I'll have to give that a try the next time I host a girls day in spa day!

  6. I'm going to try this. I just recently got into making my own face products, and I've been looking for something for tightening. Thanks!

  7. Cool ideas I tried making one with rice and green tea but I'd like to make alternatives to get different benefits so I'll try those too. Thank you so much for sharing. I'll try this next week.
