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Sunday, 22 March 2015

Super Healthy Green Tea

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Green tea stems from China but has now found its place in almost all civilizations of Asia. It is extracted from the plant known as Camellia Sinensis. It is used in various nectars which makes it one of the healthiest beverage on earth.
One of the research scientists Christopher Ochner, Ph.D. says about green tea
“It is the healthiest thing I can think of to drink”

Benefits of Green Tea:

It is full of nutrients that leave powerful impression on body. Diverse uses of green tea include 

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Home Remedies for Sore Throat

Sore throat is always uuhhhh, the most irritating problem for me.
The sore throat burns, irritate and make it hard to talk. It is mostly one of the initial signs of cold. If you have a sore throat then there is high chance that you will also catch a cold.
Common sore throat causes include bacterial infection, cold, flu, allergies, chicken pox,  smoking etc. The main symptoms of sore throat are pain, dry throat, difficulty in breathing and talking,  patches on the tonsils and swollen tonsils.
Below are some simple remedies that will help you to get relief from sore throat naturally.

Monday, 9 February 2015

Natural Migraine Treatment

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Three years back, I was the suffering from severe migraine attacks. I got the medical treatment for quite a long time, which reduced the frequency migraine attacks and their severity but on the occurrence of triggers, it started again. Then I started practicing remedies to get relief from this painful head aching. No doubt that medication is effective but it is good to take medication side by side with different therapies at home.
Triggers for migraine are different for different people. Some people get migraine by dairy products, some get by noise pollution. Lack of sleep, alcohol, weather changes, stress are some other triggers.
Read on to get my personally experienced remedies that can reduce or completely stop migraine pains.

Wednesday, 7 January 2015

How to Do a Pedicure at Home

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How many of you equally treat the beauty of your feet as your face and hands? I think very few. Feet are usually our least concern when it comes to beauty especially for mommies and working women, even though they are as important as our face and hands. Feet are that part of our body which is affected by the physical fatigue the most. So here is the procedure to do pedicure at home to enhance beauty and release tiredness. Personally, I am too lazy to go to salon for a treatment and honestly speaking I cannot afford expensive pedicures with my limited pocket money.  =p

The things we need for a DIY pedicure are:

Saturday, 3 January 2015

6 Reasons why you should care more about the quality of your sleep

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Sleep has the key role in our physical and mental health. In our busy routine, sleep is often the thing we neglect and we become least concerned about it.
How much sleep we need: 7 to nine hours of sound sleep is recommendable by experts
Many of us don't bother to get enough sleep, so here are some benefits of having a good night's sleep: